Our Story
Hi Friends and welcome to Beyond Ocean!
I have created my storefront for you to purchase Wild Alaska Salmon skin jewelry. Beyond Ocean is a business owned and operated by myself Morgan Edminster. I was born and raised in Homer, Alaska and am a second generation fisherman. My awe of salmon paired with the importance these fish have on so many lives as well as the health of our ecosystems is largely why I work with salmon. It is my mission to inspire people to see the magic of salmon, our fisheries, and our culture.
When I think about my personal story with salmon it weaves in stories that begin as far back as my mothers pregnancy with me. My parents both transplants from Arizona moved to Alaska in there mid 20’s and started working in the fishing industry. My dad crabbed in the glory days of king crab fishing and my mom worked along side him in his year round fishing endeavors of crab, halibut, cod, tendering and herring. When my brother and I were born my dad continued to fish the Bering Sea and we stayed at home with my mom. We talked on the VHF radio every night at 8pm and this helped us feel closer to him. They decided when we were 7 and 8 to start drift fishing and we became a family that fished together for three months in the summers.
We fished the Alaska Peninsula fishery known as Area-M. Together our family raised an income that allowed us to live a most rewarding life on Alaskan waters and that connected us to an incredibly talented, kind and ingenuity filled community of coastal people.
Salmon are the primary connector between many of the relationships that I have built over my lifetime and I know this is also true for so many other people in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. Beyond Ocean’s products allow for people to strike up and share their own stories of salmon. My hope is that these pieces help people talk even more about our oceans, unique culture, and wild salmon that connect us all.
Expect quality, and a piece that reflects variation found in nature. Each piece of jewelry made from Alaska salmon skin is unlike any other. Scales of salmon are like fingerprints. No one scale is quite the same as the next. One of the aspects that I enjoy the most about creating salmon jewelry is the variation in color that I get to work with from one salmon fillet. The dorsal portion of the salmon, its spine, is the darkest in color and the belly is the lightest. Due to this, there is many variations of color found within one salmon skin. You will see that the tanned salmon skin shows off this transition and its something I celebrate in the work I create.
Thank you for supporting Alaska’s wild salmon and the people who work in this industry. We are constantly trying to maintain the health of our rivers and oceans and take care of our salmon. They are our gold. Please choose, WILD SALMON ALWAYS!
With love, Morgan Edminster
Salmon skin becomes transparent when dried by the sun. Knowing this fact, I was still astounded by how the blue bird sky shined through the skin on this particular day. This is my favorite salmon skin capture thus far in my journey.